Whistleblowing reporting systems
We help with implementation and processing!
Johannes Hartlieb will give a presentation on 20.08.2024 as part of the “Business Continuity Management” event series.
Michael Haiböck will give a presentation on “Current developments in insolvency law” at the online seminar “Update Kreditsanierung” on June 13, 2024.
Thomas Baumgartner and Laura Viechtbauer will explain how to deal with complaints from the workforce in a legally compliant manner during the online seminar on 22.05.2024.
Mario Laimgruber and Julius Ecker speak at the ÖWAV seminar on the topic “Janus-faced nature of water cooperatives”.
Haus der Ingenieure, Businessebene, Eschenbachgasse 9, 1010 Wien
Markus Gaderer talks to Jeannette Gorzala about your questions in the ‘Talk: AI and law’ on 30 April 2024.
Factory 300 Pantheon, Tabakfabrik Linz, Haus Casablanca, 2.OG
From the “Insolvency Law and Restructuring” series of events, an event on “The Creditors’ Committee – Monitoring and Supporting the Insolvency Administrator” will take place on 16.04.2024.
Festsaal, Johannes Kepler Universität, Altenberger Straße 69, 4040 Linz
Johannes Hartlieb, Kaleb Kitzmüller and Mario Laimgruber will be exhibiting at the PV Congress and will be available for discussions.
Austria Center Vienna (ACV), Bruno-Kreisky-Platz 1, 1220 Wien
From the event series “Insolvency Law and Restructuring”, an event on “Highlights of Insolvency Law Judicature in Recent Years” will take place on March 26, 2024.
Festsaal, Johannes Kepler Universität, Altenberger Straße 69, 4040 Linz
Michael Haiböck will present at the 19th imh Banking Congress Course: Back Office & Back Office on 06.03.2024.
Austria Trend Hotel Savoyen, Wien
Thomas Baumgartner and Thomas Riesz will present at the seminar “Internal Control Systems & Compliance” on 29.02.2024.
Mario Laimgruber will be speaking at the “Law in the Energy Industry” event organized by the Austrian Energy Academy in Vienna on 29.02.2024.
Rainers Hotel Vienna Gudrunstraße 184, 1100 Wien
From the event series “Insolvency Law and Restructuring”, an event on the topic “GREx – IO Interfaces” will take place on 27.02.2024.
Raiffeisensaal, Raiffeisenlandesbank Oberösterreich Aktiengesellschaft, Europaplatz 1a, 4020 Linz
Mathis Fister will give a lecture on 27.02.2024 at the annual conference “Ermessenskontrolle” at the PLU Salzburg on the topic “Ermessenskontrolle von verwaltungsbehördlichen Entscheidungen”.
Universität Salzburg Edmundsburg | HS 240 „Europasaal“ Mönchsberg 2, 5020 Salzburg
Thomas Baumgartner and Laura Viechtbauer will explain how to deal with complaints from the workforce in a legally compliant manner during the online seminar on February 19, 2024.
From the event series “Insolvency Law and Restructuring”, an event on the topic “The Responsible Representative pursuant to Section 9 VStG in Insolvency” will take place on January 30, 2024.
Festsaal, Johannes Kepler Universität, Altenberger Straße 69, 4040 Linz
Johannes Hartlieb and Kaleb Kitzmüller will present at the imh seminar “Path and pipeline law” on 24.01.2024.
Austria Trend Hotel Savoyen, Rennweg 16 ,1030 Wien
As part of the event series “Law for the energy industry”, Johannes Hartlieb will give a lecture on “Subsidies for the mobility transition” on 26.01.2024.
Martin Stempkowski and Kaleb Kitzmüller will discuss the (legal) design options and stumbling blocks of long-term energy supply contracts in a WEBINAR on 18.01.2024 from 11:00 to 11:45 a.m.
Johannes Hartlieb will give a lecture at the University of Graz on 18.01.2024 as part of the event “Energierechtliche Gespräche”.
Universität Graz, Resowi Gebäude HS 15.12, Universitätsstraße 15, Bauteil C1, 8010 Graz
Dr. Berger will give the lecture Administrative Procedure for the Master of legal studies course at Danube University Krems on 1.12.2023.
Wilhelm Bergthaler will moderate this year’s ÖWVA practical seminar on November 7, 2023 with a focus on EIA law in practice.
Novotel Wien Hauptbahnhof, Canettistraße 6, 1100 Wien
Kaleb Kitzmüller explains the topic of “Contracts within energy communities” at the Upper Austrian Energy Association conference on November 6, 2023.
Redoutensaal, Promenade 39, 4020 Linz
The Walter Haslinger Private Foundation’s State Law Symposium 2023 will be held Oct. 3 at 2 p.m. in the Palais.
Palais Niederösterreich | Herrengasse 13, 1010 Vienna
An online webinar on how to successfully implement projects in the field of photovoltaics will be held on Tuesday, September 26th, 2023, between 3:30 and 4:45 pm.
Online Webinar
In the context of the JKU course Traffic and Energy Law, Johannes Hartlieb, , together with Josef Stadler and Marion Müller (each eww AG) will be lecturing on 14.06.2023.
Petrinumstraße 12, 4040 Linz
Johannes Hartlieb, Kaleb Kitzmüller and Mario Laimgruber will be present as exhibitors and will be available for exchange.
Gerhard-Hanappi-Platz 1, 1140 Wien
Martin Stempkowski and Kaleb Kitzmüller will talk about legal options and the stumbling blocks of long-term energy supply contracts.
At the end of November, Martin Oder and Michael Burnett will again hold a Master class on competitive dialog and the negotiated procedures.
Competitive dialogue and the negotiated procedure are difficult to implement effectively, but are essential for complex infrastructure and ICT projects and for the modernization of public services in […]
Onze Lieve Vrouweplein 22, Maastricht
Daniela Huemer will a.o. hold the AWAK seminar “The lawyer as contract drafter – The purchase contract based on practical examples” on September 30 and October 1, 2022 in Attersee.
Hotel Seegasthof Oberndorfer | Hauptstraße 18, 4864 Attersee
Daniela Huemer will hold a.o. the AWAK seminar “TReal Estate Contracts – Basic Knowledge, Contract Law, Land Register Law and Tax Law” from June 10 – 11, 2022 in Attersee.
Hotel Seegasthof Oberndorfer | Hauptstraße 18, 4864 Attersee
A webinar on national emissions trading will be held on June 1. Johannes Hartlieb and Emil Nigmatullin will give a presentation on the national emissions trading system.
From May 9th to May 10th, 2022, the seminar “Right-of-Way and Pipeline Right-of-Way for Non-Lawyers” will take place at the Hilton Vienna Plaza. Together with various experts, Johannes Hartlieb and Kaleb Kitzmüller will impart practice-oriented knowledge on the topic of pipeline construction and ownership.
Hilton Vienna Plaza | Schottenring 11, 1010 Wien
Daniela Huemer and Dietmar Lux will lecture on the topic of corporate law in the course of the university course Business Law on April 21 and 22, 2022.
On April 21st, 2022, the conference “Climate Protection in concrete terms: How the Energy and Mobility Transition can succeed” will take place in the Kepler Hall at the Johannes Kepler University Linz. Wilhelm Bergthaler, Johannes Hartlieb and Emil Nigmatullin will speak on key topics of the energy transition.
Johannes Kepler Universität Linz | Altenberger Straße 69, 4040 Linz
On selected dates between March 2022 and January 2023, the online imh seminar “Success Factor Purchasing” will take place. On April 8th, 2022, Thomas Kurz will give a lecture on legal tips and strategies for insolvent suppliers.
On April 7, 2022, the ÖWAV seminar Water Law for Practice will take place. Wolfgang Berger and Mario Laimgruber will give a lecture on the topic “Modification of permits in times of energy transition”.
ROOMZ Hotel Wien Prater | Konferenzzentrum – 1020 Wien, Rothschildplatz 2 (Austria Campus „Campus 6“)
On selected dates between March and December 2022, the imh webinar “Update Debt Restructuring” will take place online. On April 7th, 2022, Thomas Kurz will speak on the topic “First Experiences with the Restructuring and Insolvency Directive Implementation Act (RIRUG)”.
HN will be present at the career fair of Johannes Kepler University Linz on March 30, 2022. You will find us at booth number 23.
Johannes Kepler Universität Linz | Altenberger Straße 69, 4040 Linz
Thomas Kurz is a lecturer at the imh COURSE “Back Office” on March 30th, 2022, in Vienna.
Austria Trend Hotel Savoyen, Wien | Rennweg 16, 1030 Wien
On March 22nd, 2022, the seminar “Environmental procedures for companies” will take place in Vienna at Austrian Standards. Wilhelm Bergthaler, Reka Krasznai and Edeltraud Muckenhuber will give a joint lecture on this topic and offer orientation in the jungle of environmental law.
Austrian Standards, Heinestraße 38, 1020 Wien
As part of the university course “Corporate Law / M&A” at the Danube University Krems, our Partner Daniela Huemer will give a lecture on “Critical Clauses in Company and Syndicate Agreements” on March 9th, 2022.
25hours MuseumsQuartier | Lerchenfelder Straße 1-3, 1070 Wien
On November 26th, 2021, our Partner Daniela Huemer will give a lecture on property sale contracts as part of the course “Contract interpretation and drafting workshop”. In addition, she will work on a specific case together with the students of Univ.-Prof. Dr. Andreas Geroldinger (Institute for Civil Law).
On November 17, 2021, the conference “EIA Law in Practice” will take place in Vienna, which is organized by ÖWAV. Wolfgang Berger and Wilhelm Bergthaler are among the speakers and will give lectures on current topics of environmental impact assessment as well as on nature compatibility in EIA.
Novotel Wien Hauptbahnhof; Canettistraße 6, 1100 Wien
On November 16th, 2021, the event “Regulations in the Energy Industry” will take place in Vienna, which is organized by Oesterreichs Energie Akademie. Among others, Mario Laimgruber was invited as a speaker and will lecture on contemporary issues in environmental and industrial plant law.
Oesterreichs Energie, Brahmsplatz 3, 1040 Wien; 2.Stock/Raum Kaplan
Together with Mag. Dr. Robert Bachl our Partner Christoph Szep will organize and hold the practice-oriented seminar on Mergers & Acquisitions as part of the AWAK.
HOTEL SEEGASTHOF OBERNDORFER, Hauptstrasse 18, 4864 Attersee
On 12 October 2021, the lecture event Talk about Energy Law will take place at the WU Vienna campus. Johannes Hartlieb will be one of the speakers and will talk about practical problems in the construction and operation of hydrogen filling stations.
Campus WU Wien, Festsaal 2
René Haumer and Bernd Wiesinger, together with HRdOGH Dr. Babek Oshidari, will give a lecture on, among other things, the presentation of the appeal procedure against criminal judgments.
Austria Trend Hotel Schillerpark, Rainerstraße 2 - 4, 4020 Linz
From 22.06. – 13.07.2021 the art exhibition “Waste Art” will take place in the Kepler Hall of the Johannes Kepler University Linz. Wilhelm Bergthaler has provided the initiative for the curator Ina Loitzl, who has focused on works with the material plastic.
Joahnnes Kapler Universität, Kepler Hall
On June 17th, 2021, Mag. Thomas Kurz will talk about insolvency law as a crisis management tool, including restructuring opportunities and risks, via live streaming.
Mag. Thomas Kurz is a speaker at the 16th imh Bankenkongress KURS “Marktfolge & Backoffice” on 15.06.2021 in Vienna.
Austria Trend Hotel Savoyen, Wien; Rennweg 16, 1030 Wien
From June 9th to June 10th, 2021, the seminar “right of way and pipeline right-of-way” for non-lawyers will take place in Vienna. Together with expert technical practitioners, Dr. Johannes Hartlieb and Mag. Kaleb Kitzmüller will impart practice-oriented knowledge on the subject of pipeline construction.
Hotel Hilton Park Vienna
Dr. Thomas Riesz and Dr. Bernd Wiesinger will give a virtual lecture on “Crypto Assets in Law” at JKU Linz on May 27, 2021.
Every year, Wolfgang Berger and the Austrian Water and Waste Management Association organize a seminar on the subject of “Water Law for Practice” in Vienna. The next seminar will take place on April 22, 2021.
D3 Convention Center, 1030 Wien, Alfred-Dallinger-Platz 1
Wilhelm Bergthaler, Kerstin Holzinger, Roland Zauner and Reka Krasznai present on the annual conference “Industrial Plant 2021” in Linz.
Arcotel Nike Linz, Untere Donaulände 9, 4020 Linz
As part of the academic course “Corporate Law / M&A” at the Danube University Krems, our Partner Daniela Huemer will give a lecture on the subject of “Side Agreements and Duty of Loyalty”.
The Austrian Water and Waste Management Association (ÖWAV) is organizing together with Haslinger / Nagele (among others) the “Law of hydropower” event in the Salzburg Exhibition Center on November 26th, 2020.
Wolfgang Berger and Mario Laimgruber will speak on the subject of “Wiederverleihung unter Berücksichtigung unionsrechtlicher Fragestellungen” (Re-granting also from a […]
The Austrian Water and Waste Management Association (ÖWAV) is organizing together with Haslinger / Nagele, the Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Regions and Tourism and the “Land & Forst Betriebe Österreich” (“Farm and Forest businesses Austria”) the event “Forest law in practice” on November 19th, 2020.
Wilhelm Bergthaler will open and moderate […]
As part of the course “Accounting case studies”, Bernd Wiesinger together with Univ.-Prof. Dr. Ewald Aschauer will give a lecture on November 12th, 2020.
On November 12th, 2020, our Partner Daniela Huemer will give a lecture on property sale contracts as part of the course “Contract interpretation and drafting workshop”. In addition, she will work on a specific case together with the students of Univ.-Prof. Dr. Andreas Geroldinger (Institute for Civil Law).
Wolfgang Berger und Wilhelm Bergthaler tragen am 11. November 2020 auf der ÖWAV-Veranstaltung “UVP-Recht in der Praxis” vor.
René Haumer will speak on the subject of “The use of video conferencing in criminal proceedings from the criminal defense lawyer’s point of view”.
On October 20th, 2020 the Linde Verlag is organizing the annual “immo aktuell 2020” conference in Vienna, focusing on real estate – law – taxes. Our Associate Julius Ecker will lecture on the possibilities and limits of implementing climate protection measures in the WEG (Condominum Act).
Hotel de France, Schottenring 3, 1010 Vienna
The 24th Annual Business Circle Forum for Law and Taxes – the “RuSt in Rust” will take place on October 15th and 16th, 2020 with the speakers Dietmar Lux and Florian Khol.
Seehotel Rust, Am Seekanal 2-4, 7071 Rust
Daniela Huemer, ADir. Reg.- Rat. Alfred Wolf and Dr. Lorenz Wolff will hold the seminar “Real estate contracts – basic knowledge, contract law, land register law and tax law” as part of an AWAK series of seminars.
Hotel Attergauhof, Attergaustraße 41, 48801 St. Georgen
What tools are appropriate to fight the climate crisis, an iron fist or an incentive-based approach? To what extent may the state intervene to pursue environmental objectives? After a keynote speech by Michaela Krömer a discussion with all participants will take place under the moderation of Wilhelm Bergthaler.
Uni-Center | JKU Linz
On the second day and as part of the seminar “Netzwerk Krankenhaus” (Network Hospital), our partners Alexander Hiersche and Kerstin Holzinger give a lecture about the checklists, strategies and implementation of hospitals regarding the legal components.
Main points are:
Procurement law conditions:
Hospitals as public employer
Processes with tender duty
Design of tender documents
Process of […]
Harmoniegasse 5-7, 1090 Wien
This year as well as last year, our law office supports the university of Innsbruck with the university course “IT Land Digitisation”. Coordinated by Mr. Univ.-Ass. Mag. Dr. Lukas Gottardis, our partner Alexander Hiersche gives a lecture on the topic “Specific questions of contract- and competition law”.
Hereby the goal is […]
Innrain 52, 6020 Innsbruck
Alexander Hiersche, Mario Laimgruber, Melissa Neuhauser, and Bernd Wiesinger will present legal issues project developers and constructors may face in the course of project implementation.
Oesterreichs Energie, Brahmsplatz 3, 1040 Wien
At the seminar “EIA law in practice”, which the ÖWAV is holding on 21 November 2019 at the BDO in Vienna, Wolfgang Berger will give a lecture on the topic “Remediation requirements due to the Aarhus Convention?”
BDO, Quartier Belvedere Central 4, Am Belvedere 4, 1100 Wien
Daniela Huemer and Stefan Guggenberger will hold a seminar for practitioners on the drafting of purchase contracts on 13/14 September in Attersee.
Hotel Seegasthof Oberndorfer, Hauptstraße 18, 4864 Attersee
Our partners Wilhelm Bergthaler and Roland Zauner are among the speakers at the 24th Austrian Environmental Law Days from 4 to 5 September 2019 in the Uni-Center of the Johannes Kepler University Linz.
Johannes Kepler Universität Linz (Uni-Center), Altenberger Straße 69, 4040 Linz
Together with Prof. Martin Karollus our Partner Christoph Szep will hold a seminar at the Johannes Kepler University Linz on Mergers & Acquisitions.
Johannes Kepler Universität Linz, Altenberger Straße 69, 4040 Linz
Alexander Hiersche and Andreas Rothmann will represent our firm at the career fair “House of Jobs” on 12 June and will be happy to answer your questions.
Schottenbastei 10-16, 1010 Wien
On 11 June Wilhelm Bergthaler and Dietmar Lux will give a lecture on the new administrative criminal law in the “Teichwerk” at the Johannes Kepler University Linz.
Das Teichwerk, Altenberger Straße 69, 4040 Linz
This newly designed course will introduce the methods and principles of BIM. Speakers are various experts, including our partner Wilhelm Bergthaler.
Martin Oder is looking forward to hold another Master Class together with Michael Burnett on the use of Competitive Dialogue and Negotiated Procedures.
EIPA, Onze Lieve Vrouweplein 22, 6211 HE Maastricht, The Netherlands
Renown speakers will discuss past and current plans to reform the administrative relationship between the Federal government and the Länder.
Palais Niederösterreich, Herrengasse 13, 1010 Wien
Partner Alexander Hiersche will join a penal discussion on questions to legal issues surrounding the booming eSports industry at the University of Vienna.
Juridicum, Schottenbastei 10-16 A-1010 Wien
Every year, our Wolfgang Berger and the Austrian Water and Waste Management Association organize a seminar in Vienna on the subject of “Water Law for Practice”.
Bundesamtsgebäude | 1030 Wien, Radetzkystraße 2
On 25 April, the Departement for Environmental and Energy Policy of the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber, with the support of the Austrian Federal Industry Division, will hold a Symposium on law governing industrial plants.
Julius Raab Saal Austrian Federal Economic Chamber, Wiedner Hauptstraße 63, 1045 Vienna
The “Regulars’ table public procurement law” is held regularly on current topics.
Haslinger / Nagele Linz, Roseggerstraße 58, 4020 Linz
At the 1st Workshop 2019 of the Lower Austrian Legal Society on 27 March Wilhelm Bergthaler will speak on the topic “Aarhus Convention”.
Schloss Ulmerfeld, Burgweg 1, 3363 Ulmerfeld
On 19 March, Wolfgang Berger, Wilhelm Bergthaler and Mario Laimgruber will be giving lectures on new developments in environmental law.
Österreichs Energie, Brahmsplatz 3, 1040 Wien
At the annual meeting “business premises 2019”, partner Wilhelm Bergthaler together with Erich Pürgy will present and discuss recent case law and developments concerning plant permit proceedings.
Schlossmuseum Linz, Schlossberg 1, 4020 Linz
The next presentation in a series of seminars organised by the Verein Interessengemeinschaft Sanierungsrecht (association of interest groups for reorganisation law) will be held by Judge Eugenie Übertsroider and Prof. Andreas Konecny and concern the issue of “delayed distributions” in insolvency proceedings (“Die Nachtragsverteilung”).
Raiffeisenlandesbank OÖ, Europaplatz 1a, 4020 Linz
The Verein Interessengemeinschaft Sanierungsrecht (association of interest groups for reorganisation law) regularly organises seminars and presentations.
The next presentation will be held by Dr. Susanne Fruhstorfer and address “duties of a GmbH managing director during insolvency” (“Der GmbH Geschäftsführer in der Insolvenz”).
Johannes Kepler Universität, Altenberger Straße 69, 4020 Linz
The legal requirements for bidders and contracting authorities in the context of tendering procedures are becoming more and more complex. Our team of experts will inform you about the most important rules to observe.
Haslinger / Nagele & Partner, Roseggerstraße 58, 4020 Linz