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Environmental procedures for companies

If you want to survive in environmental law, you have to be up to date, react to developments, use new opportunities for your business, avoid risks. In the seminar the following aspects will be discussed: What do the latest amendments as well as the latest decisions bring – and what do we hope for from the upcoming ones? And what is the impact of the changes and how do we use them optimally for operations?

On March 22nd, 2022, the seminar “Environmental procedures for companies” will take place in Vienna at Austrian Standards. Wilhelm Bergthaler, Reka Krasznai and Edeltraud Muckenhuber will give a joint lecture on this topic and offer orientation in the jungle of environmental law:

  • How do companies push through their projects in environmental procedures?
  • How do they obtain the necessary permits?
  • How do they overcome resistance?
  • And above all: How can they do it as quickly, efficiently and legally sound as possible?

The seminar consists of a basic-course in the morning and an update-course in the afternoon.

You can read up on the entire program online here.

Upfront: In the following short video, Wilhelm Bergthaler talks about innovations in environmental law, what you have to pay attention to and how you, as a beginner, can find your way through the maze of environmental law.

All facts about the event


22.03.2022, 09:30 - 16:30


Austrian Standards, Heinestraße 38, 1020 Wien


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