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After studying law in Graz and Vienna, Mathis Fister was a university assistant and later assistant professor under Constitutional Court President Univ.-Prof. DDr. Dr. h.c. Christoph Grabenwarter, and was also a constitutional law assistant at the Constitutional Court.

Mathis Fister has been a lawyer since 2015, habilitated in constitutional law and administrative law at WU Vienna in 2019 and has been a university professor of public law at Johannes Kepler University Linz since 2020. He is a member of the Association of German Constitutional Law Teachers (VDStRL), a member of the Forum for Banking Law, a lecturer at the Theresian Military Academy and Chairman of the Working Group on Fundamental Rights and Civil Liberties at the Austrian Bar Association (ÖRAK).

His work focuses on all areas of constitutional and administrative law, in particular public commercial law, administrative criminal law and litigation. Mathis Fister has also published, taught, lectured and held seminars in these areas.

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