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Birgit Meisinger studied law at the University of Vienna and the Université Paris Descartes. After completing her court practice in the district of the Vienna Higher Regional Court, her path led her to Haslinger / Nagele in 2013, where she has been working as an attorney since 2018.

Her practice focuses on civil and corporate law as well as banking and finance. In addition, she advises and represents clients in both in-court and out-of-court disputes. Since December 2022 she has been a registered mediator with specialization in the area of business and economics.

Before joining Haslinger / Nagele, she worked for the european center for e-commerce and internet law (e-center) under the direction of ao. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Zankl and has written numerous publications in the fields of digitalization and new media.

Blumberger/Meisinger/Muckenhuber/Riesz/Viechtbauer/Wiesinger, Verpflichtende Whistleblower-Meldesysteme, Die Presse vom 29.09.2021.

Mayer/Voglmayr, EuGH: Die Auswahl einer Mitarbeitervorsorgekasse unterliegt dem Vergaberecht, ZVB 2019, 278.

Voglmayr, Fanpage-Betreiber könnten für Datenschutz mitverantwortlich sein, Der Standard vom 29.11.2017.

Voglmayr/K.Holzinger, Kommentierung der §§ 51 – 60 TKG in Riesz/Schilchegger (Hrsg), Telekommunikationsgesetz (2016) Verlag Österreich.

Voglmayr, IT Update 14.0, ecolex 2014, 685.

Voglmayr, IT Update 12.0, ecolex 2014, 126.

Voglmayr, IT Update 11.0, ecolex 2013, 967.

Voglmayr, Novelle des digitalen Urheberrechts, jus-alumni 2013, 18.

Voglmayr, Urheberrechtsabgabe: Präzisierung durch EuGH, Output 2013, 12.

Voglmayr, Provider & Auskunft: IP-Adresse reicht nicht, Output 2012, 15.

Voglmayr, EuGH & Filesharing: Keine Filterverpflichtung, Output 2012, 15.

Voglmayr, Europa im Zeichen der Informationsgesellschaft in Feiler/Raschauer (Hrsg), Innovation und internationale Rechtspraxis – Praxisschrift für Wolfgang Zankl (2009) Facultas Verlag.

Voglmayr/Stortecky, Auskunftspflicht von Access-Providern, Output 2009, 15.

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