Whistleblowing reporting systems
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Thomas Kurz has been a qualified lawyer and partner at Haslinger / Nagele since 1993. After graduating from the Johannes Kepler University Linz, he clerked at the District Court Linz (Insolvency Department).
Thomas Kurz advises domestic and foreign companies as well as debtors and creditors in insolvency and restructuring law. He is regularly appointed as an insolvency administrator in major insolvencies and has substantial experience in avoidance and liability matters, in reorganization cases and in distressed mergers and acquisitions.
Another main field of his activities is company law, especially business start-ups and joint ventures. Thomas Kurz is an expert in the preparation and managing of shareholder meetings and general meetings, including AGMs. Furthermore, he is a member of several boards of Austrian private foundations.
Thomas Kurz holds lectures and publishes scientific essays, in particular on insolvency and restructuring law topics.
He is a leading member and chairman of an insolvency association (“Interessengemeinschaft Sanierungsrecht”) established in cooperation with the Johannes Kepler University Linz and a founding member of the Association for Reconstructuring and Turnaround Management (“Return”) in Vienna.
Kurz, Wann wird’s kritisch? in Wiesinger/Kurz/Haiböck (Hrsg), Haftungsfalle Insolvenz – Handbuch für Management und Praxis (2023) Linde Verlag.
Kurz, Prognosetatbestände und Bestandssicherung: Anforderungen an das Controlling aus rechtlicher Sicht in Feldbauer-Durstmüller/Schwarz/Wimmer (Hrsg), Handbuch Controlling und Consulting (2005) Linde Verlag.
Kurz, Rechtliche Probleme bei der außergerichtlichen Sanierung in Feldbauer-Durstmüller/Schlager (Hrsg), Krisenmanagement – Sanierung – Insolvenz (2002) Linde Verlag.