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Dr. Markus Panhölzl

Independent attorney in cooperation

Markus Panhölzl completed his studies at the Johannes Kepler University Linz and subsequently gained valuable professional experience at a renowned law firm in Vienna. In 2009, he broadened his professional horizons with a stay in London. Markus Panhölzl has been working as an independent lawyer in Vienna since 2012, where he also contributes his expertise in cooperation with renowned commercial law firms. His legal practice focuses on the areas of civil and corporate law as well as company and private foundation law. In these specialist areas, he offers comprehensive and tailor-made advice for his clients, who benefit from his many years of experience and in-depth specialist knowledge.

Panhölzl, EuGH: Wirtschaftliche Kontinuität bei Unternehmensveräußerung – Zurechenbarkeit der Zuwiderhandlung bei strukturiertem Veräußerungsprozess, ÖZK 2015/1

Panhölzl, EuG: Herabsetzung der Geldbuße für Marktaufteilung im Fall E.ON/GDF, ÖZK 2013/1

Gassauer-Fleissner/Panhölzl, Anmerkung zur „Rechtsanwaltsentscheidung“ in Eiselsberg (Hrsg), Stiftungsrecht JB 2010,107

Gassauer-Fleissner/Panhölzl, Willensbildung des Stiftungsvorstandes – Anmerkung zur positiven Regelung der Geschäftsführung im PSG, in Feiler/Raschhofer (Hrsg), Innovation und internationale Rechtspraxis Praxisschrift für Wolfgang Zankl (2009), 191

Mosing/Panhölzl, Die „richtige“ Gesellschaftsform für unser Start-up?! chemiereport.at 2008/2

Panhölzl, Die Gesellschaft bürgerlichen Rechts – ein Modell, seine Kodifikation und deren Reformbedarf VDM Verlag Dr. Müller, 2008

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