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After studying law at the Johannes Kepler University Linz – during which she did an internship at Haslinger / Nagele and gained first insights into the daily business of a law firm – Julia Goth clerked at the District Court and Regional Court Linz. She then joined Haslinger / Nagele as an Associate and passed her bar exam in 2015. During her legal training, Julia Goth’s practice focused on banking and capital market law, commercial criminal law, civil law and dispute resolution. During a secondment with a renowned tax consultancy and auditing firm, she gained valuable experience in the field of tax law. After being admitted to the bar, Julia Goth was promoted to Partner in 2017. Her practice as a Partner focuses on corporate and company law as well as on tax law. Furthermore, she regularly advises clients on contract law and general civil law.

Julia Goth is a member of the management board of Haslinger / Nagele.

Goth, Kommentierung des § 3. (Stammeinlagen der einzelnen Gesellschafterinnen) und § 5. (Einzahlungen auf die Stammeinlagen) FlexKapGG in Aumüller/Verweijen(Hrsg), FlexKapGG und Start-Up-FörderungsG (2024), Verlag Österreich (in Druck).

Goth, Du sollst deine Gläubiger gleich behandeln! in Wiesinger/Kurz/Haiböck (Hrsg), Haftungsfalle Insolvenz – Handbuch für Management und Praxis (2023) Linde Verlag.

Goth, Gesellschaftsrecht in Straberger (Hrsg), EU-Recht: Handbuch für die österreichische Rechtspraxis, Loseblattsammlung (2022) WEKA.

Goth/Wagner, Das neue Gewährleistungsrecht – alles klar?, Die Presse vom 29.09.2021.

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