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Kopie des Beitrags in den OÖN "Die Ruhe vor dem Sturm: Wann beginnt die Insolvenzwelle zu rollen?"

Are we facing a wave of bankruptcies after the infection wave?

Is the “bankruptcy wave” coming after the wave of infections? Restructuring expert and insolvency administrator Thomas Kurz commented in detail on questions regarding COVID-19-related sales slumps in the Austrian newspaper “Oberösterreichische Nachrichten”. Here you can read when he expects the “peak” of new bankruptcy cases to come and why prediction models by the book are simply not possible in times like these.

Thomas Kurz is Partner at Haslinger / Nagele and chairman of an insolvency association (“Interessengemeinschaft Sanierungsrecht”), which regularly holds events and seminars on numerous aspects of insolvency and restructuring law.


27. May 2020

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