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Haslinger / Nagele has been nominated the Women in Law Award

For the second time, the Austrian Association of Corporate Counsel (“Vereinigung Österreichischer Unternehmensjuristen”) and Women in Law awarded the “Promoting the Best Awards”. Haslinger / Nagele won the “Women in Law Award 2019”. The convincing concept for the promotion of female lawyers, especially at Partner level, was the decisive factor for the award.
Caro Weerkamp, the jury foreperson, reasoned the vote as follows, “We were impressed with Haslinger / Nagele because of the firm’s zeitgeist and the flexible [working hours and parental leave] models.”
“We are pleased to reaffirm our long-established path of creating flexible models to more easily balance career and family. These models are supported by the broad consensus in our law firm that parenting should not lead to a career break, “says Partner Daniela Huemer, herself a mother of two, who accepted the award on behalf of the firm at the award ceremony.
More information about the “Promoting the Best Awards” can be found at https://promotingthebest.at. Julia Eder gladly answers your questions about our company.


28. November 2019

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  • JUVE Top 20 Wirtschaftskanzlei-Oesterreich
  • Promoting the best. Women in Law Award