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Frohe Weihnachten wünscht Haslinger / Nagele, Illustration: Konrad Wartbichler

Merry Christmas!

“Seeing need and acting accordingly. We help!”


Caritas has been there for more than 100 years. And it has been there for everyone. It stands up for those who have no voice and supports people in need, regardless of their ethnic or national origin, religion or gender.

There are more than 1,600 places throughout Austria where Caritas helps people in need. In the areas of nursing, people with disabilities, hospice, social counseling centers, families in need or elderly people who cannot afford to heat their homes.

The vision of Caritas is and remains a world without poverty. Every person has the right to social security – in Austria and beyond, especially in developing countries. Moreover, Caritas is ready to face the challenges of the future in order to continue contributing to a better world: from inclusion in the labor market to climate justice.

Did you already know?

  • More than 47,000 people volunteer for Caritas.
  • In 2021, Caritas provided 2.2 million hours of mobile care and nursing services and thereby cared for more than 5,000 people in retirement and nursing homes.
  • 53 Caritas homeless shelters provide 2,107 sleeping places for people in need.
  • In 2021, Caritas provided 14,496 care spaces and 2,520 sheltered workshops for people with disabilities.
  • Around 7,400 people with addictive disorders received advice and support in 23 Caritas addiction counseling centers in 2021.
  • In 2021, Caritas Austria supported 426 aid projects across the globe with a total volume of 36.7 million euros. The focus was on disaster relief, children in need, long-term livelihood security, refugees, and rehabilitation support (reconstruction).

Do you want to become active yourself?

If you would like to support a Caritas project, you can find all the necessary information on the website. Because only together we are strong.

This year, our Christmas card was again designed by “VOI – the association for original inclusion“. The drawing is by Konrad Wartbichler.