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Michael Haiböck, neuer Anwalt im Team Insolvenzrecht und Restrukturierung

Michael Haiböck new attorney at Haslinger / Nagele

As of February 2021, Michael Haiböck (30) will join the insolvency law and restructuring, real estate
and construction law
, litigation and arbitration as well as commercial and corporate law teams as an

Michael Haiböck has been with Haslinger / Nagele in Linz since April 2017. Before, he studied law at
the Johannes Kepler University Linz. He advises and represents domestic and international clients in
various areas of civil law and commercial law – both in and out of court. In addition, he specializes in
the areas of corporate reorganization and insolvency law, in particular debtor and creditor


2. February 2021

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