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Gruppenfoto Anwältinnen Haslinger / Nagele

Johanna Fischer: Mirror, mirror on the office wall

Every day, our female lawyers prove that it is possible to be both a mother and a successful Partner in a law firm. For this, however, the general conditions have to be right. Johanna Fischer recently spoke to Katharina Anna Ecker from the business magazine DIE MACHER about work-life balance, the challenges of working as a lawyer and the parental leave model at Haslinger / Nagele.

The full article can be read online here and in the current summer issue.

We attach great importance to equal opportunities and a working environment that is free of discrimination in every respect. For a long time, we have been scratching at the image of a male-dominated profession and have been trying to create framework conditions through targeted initiatives to inspire women as well as men to pursue a career in our law firm.

Find out more here.


1. July 2021

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