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Commercial Law Day 2022: “The Syndicate Agreement”

On November 10th, the Walter Haslinger Private Foundation hosted the 24th Corporate Law Day at Voestalpine Stahlwelt on the topic of “The Syndicate Agreement – The Capitalist Manifesto” with top-class speakers.

After an introduction by Dr. Dietmar Lux and under the moderation of Prof. Martin Karollus (University of Linz), Prof. Ulrich Haas (University of Zurich) presented the current state of the discussion on the syndicate agreement from a German and Swiss perspective, followed by Prof. Friedrich Rüffler (University of Vienna) explaining the legal situation and problems in Austria. Both lectures dealt in particular with the controversial question of whether and to what extent the syndicate agreement under the law of obligations can “spill over” to the level of corporate law, which is highly relevant in practice. From an Austrian perspective, the influence of the 2015 GesbR amendment on the drafting of contracts was also of particular interest. Both points subsequently gave rise to a lively discussion among the speakers and participants.

The OÖ Nachrichten also reported on the event here; further pictures by Cityfoto.at can be found here.


14. November 2022

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