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ChatGPT, Gemini & co: Large Language Models and the law

Since OpenAI presented ChatGPT-3 to the global public on November 30th, 2022, there has been a lot of hype surrounding AI topics. Numerous publications have since explored the potential impacts of AI on our society. However, the far-reaching legal implications of using AI-based (large) language models have (so far) been scarcely examined.

In his contribution, Mathis Fister deals with the question of the possible consequences under liability and fee law when lawyers use or do not use AI language models to provide legal advice and representation services (“Legal advice with AI language models”).

This work contributes to a deeper exploration of the legal challenges posed by Large Language Models. It builds on a conference of the Linz Institute of Technology (LIT) Law Lab of the Johannes Kepler University Linz and the Software Competence Center Hagenberg (SCCH) on the topic “ChatGPT & Co: Large Language Models, big legal problems?” and brings together the carefully prepared contributions of the speakers on various areas of law – from copyright law to civil law to data protection law – and legal fields of application. Based on a comprehensible technical introduction, these contributions address numerous questions, such as: Do AI-generated texts enjoy copyright protection? Do we need new liability rules for “AI misconduct”? Why can’t journalists use AI as an excuse? Can judges and administrative staff have AI draft judgments or decisions? Can AI take over legal or tax advice? What criminal law issues does the use of AI raise?

You can purchase your copy here.

The editors:

Dr. Mathis Fister, university professor at the JKU Linz; Attorney-at-Law at Haslinger / Nagele.
Dr. Michael Mayrhofer, professor at the JKU Linz; member of the Constitutional Court.
Dr. Bernhard Nessler, lecturer at the JKU Linz; founding member of ELLIS; vice president of ASAI.
Dr. Thomas Bieber, professor at the JKU Linz.
Dr. Philipp Homar, professor at the JKU Linz and at the Vienna University of Economics and Business.
Dr. Michael Tumpel, university professor at the JKU Linz; dean of the JKU Business School.

Further contributions by Gregor Aichinger, Clemens Appl, Ricarda Aschauer, Alois Birklbauer, Gerald Dipplinger, Mathis Fister, Andreas Geroldinger, Philipp Homar, Barbara Leitl-Staudinger, Philipp L. Leitner, Michael Mayrhofer, Patrick Mederitsch, Bernhard Nessler, Taylan Öztürk, Johanna Rosenauer, Simon Schmid, Michael Stadlbauer, Marcel Tkacik, Michael Tumpel, Claudia Witzeneder.


5. August 2024

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